giovedì 30 maggio 2013


Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture
Perceiving the Flow: Human Figures Composed of Unraveling Stainless Steel Ribbons by Gil Bruvel steel sculpture

Gil Bruvel è un artista australian, ma ormai californiano di adozione, che non conoscevo fino ad oggi. Grazie ho colmato questa lacuna ed è bastato un solo sguardo a "Dichotomy" per rimanerne affascinato. A dirla tutta un idea simile mi era balzata in testa qualche anno fa, avevo intenzione di farla in 3d ma, un pò per mancanza di competenza tecnica (fare questo modello in poly sarebbe una follia) e un pò per pigrizia, il tutto è rimasto soltanto un'idea. Rimane comunque il fatto che adoro il tocco di questo scultore, soprattutto per i richiami all'Art Deco.